Sunday, March 28, 2010

Where to start, where to start....well as Julie Andrews once sang, "let's start at the very beginning, a very good place to start..." Well, almost the beginning.....we'll start with Wednesday in Tulsa...Wednesday sucked because we had to be at the van at 7:05am, usually it's 7:45am, our van call time means that's the time the van should be pulling out of the parking lot. The night before you probably want to get a lot of sleep cause you're waking up early....well not me, going to bed early is for losers, it's much better to whine about not wanting to wake up early and go to bed around 2am, but hey, that's how I roll :)
An early van time was the only thing that really sucked about Wednesday. We played at the Mabee Center for Oral Roberts University, where they have their basketball games. The place was huge, which it had to be because we were performing for 3500 kids. At first it was only 3000, I don't know where they found the other 500 kids a few days before. Hearing all those kids shout and applaud at the end kinda made me feel like a rockstar. I feel bad for the kids that had to sit in the nose bleed section, from that far away we looked like little ants.
After Tulsa we headed to St. Joseph, Missouri. It was cold's always cold...the hotel wasn't too bad, it wasn't as cool as the Ramada across the street that had an indoor pool and huge water slide :( We should've just gone over and said "don't you know who we are?!?! You should be so lucky that we want to swim in your pool" The Missouri Theatre where we were playing was very cool looking, and we finally made it onto the Marquee :)
From there we headed to's exactly how you would picture a place called Boonville to be. On Friday, me, the Scarecrow Mark, and Wizard Michael, went on a little adventure. We found a park with Lookout Point...which probably turns into Make-out Point at night. We hiked down a hill and went walking through the woods where we encountered railroad tracks, which are always fun to play on....until we heard the train coming, we ran back into the woods, more so cause Mark said it's actually illegal to be on railroad tracks....what a stupid law...
Saturday night we went into Columbia, Mo about 25mins away to go party since that's where Missouri University is. We hit the bar strip and it seems a bit empty, we go into a sandwich place so people can pee and I decide to get the employees opinion as the where we should go. So I ask "Where would you go?" his response "No where, it's Spring Break and everyone is gone" well that sucks....we end up in some bar called Barcode....hahaha, so's empty, last time we went out the music sucked and it was empty...but then something magical started to happen, people started to show up. I guess all the locals were happy that the dumb college kids were gone and they could finally come out and play. By the end of the evening it was pretty packed, we ended up going to a dueling piano bar next door where Lia, our Dorothy, got us in for free....oh male bouncers how easily you are was pretty cool, and around 1am....closing time for everything in Columbia, we started for the door, only to not leave cause there is a fight outside. Looks like a normal drunken fight, thinking we could just walk around...then out of no where this guy gets thrown to the ground by 6 cops....yes 6 cops....the tackle him down and then he gets maced....right in the eyes, he's down struggling, they're on top of him and mace him....while this was going on, what I missed was that he was also Tased in the leg 3 much for a normal drunken bar fight. On our way out we saw a girl lead away in handcuffs and the cops were pushing the crowd further down the block. "Wow" was pretty much all I could say.
Hmmm, that is a very long paragraph, you editors reading this are probably going least I think I spelled everything right :-D oh...I also forgot to add that we went to the Science Museum in Oklahoma City and the Memorial Site of the Oklahoma City bombing.

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